Saturday, December 31, 2005

Last of 2005

31122005. This shall be the last post for the year. Haven't been posting much lately, so i'm here to do a post and basically to wrap up the year.

Has been pretty much the same lately, going to Air Force School everyday, slacking all day round. Tried sharing some of my tales i heard or experienced back at Air Force School, but somehow i think not many were interested, cos perhaps it's rather boring? But like what me and my course mates have agreed upon, and that is, unless you're us, whatever we say or do, no one will understand. So i think it's best i'll not mention much here. If you're interested, feel free to ask me more about it personally.

I've been told when is my flying off date to Tamworth for our Air-Grading Course(AGC). But i'll keep this date myself. Call it pilot's pride or whatsoever, i think i'm more towards afraid of failing? Thus i didn't really want many to wish me luck or know about it, until i managed to get it over with, and of course with a pass. But for those who knew about it, perhaps the only rational is that, you're someone special?

But of course, i'm not really that crazy to the extend that i have the mentally of: Pilot or Nothing. Our course commander was telling us on our day 1, that alot of the pilot trainees who came here have this thinking. And seriously, i must say, those who are already pilots, not pilot trainees, they do have the 2nd is nothing attitude.

I managed to download and just watched the movie: Behind Enemy Lines. What else right? It's a war movie. Somehow i'm all into this recently. So, if you guys have any nice war movies, preferably pilot or airplanes, kindly drop me the title of it. Anyway, the movie i was mentioning has a plot based on a navy pilot navigator, whose F-18 plane was shot down, pilot killed, after they managed to capture picture of enemy's doing. Stuck in enemy zone, he has to get to the safe zone before rescue can be deployed. Quite an emotional movie, but perhaps not so much for the ladies. Watch it if you guys have the chance.

Saw the advertisement about Oasis live in Singapore few days back on TV mobile. Too bad, it's on the 23rd February. Most probably i'll not able to watch it. But there's a good chance that i might be able to do so. Cos if anyone didn't managed to meet the mark and got cut from the Air Grading Course, he will be send back to Singapore immediately, with the rest continuing the course. Speaking about being cut off, i was telling my course 02/06 AGC, the good positive thing we could look forward, even if anyone of us got cut off, is that the person will be able to come back perhaps in time for the concert and maybe better, even in time to celebrate Valentine's Day. Of course, all of us would rather missed out on this 2 events and pass the AGC.

With no offence, our course were discussing about the fact that pilot vocation doesn't have any muslims. In fact, i realised that Air Force School doesn't even cater any muslim food. So to say, you can never find a malay in Air Force? Perhaps so. Even if he is, most probably he's non-muslim. So why did i touch on this issue? Cos 90% of my course mate were saying that i look like malay, and i'm given the names like "Ahmad", "Mud", "Muhammad Bin...". In return, i'll just take the "compliment" and try to bring glory to the malays. So most of the time, i'll often turn to them and say, "Tah Halal?", whenever we are having our lunch and such.

Today's New year eve, so i bet most of you guys should be outside, either chilling out with friends, love ones, waiting for countdown or go LAN gaming? Sound too old for LAN gaming? But that's what my course mates did. That's how crappy pilot trainees can be.

And before i forget, with no offence again, they are the first group of friends who are asking me to smoke. 5 smokers and 1 social smoker, out of 15 in my course. Mind you, with the tonnes of free time we have, the 5 smokers can be puffing close to 10 sticks from 0730hrs to 1700hrs. This is totally impossible if you're in Army or Navy. In fact they were telling me, most of the already qualified pilots smoke. To handle stress? No idea. Shall leave that for your own discretion. But of course for Jeri to smoke? That's not me anymore. If i was ever diagnosed dead due to smoking, the only way it has to be, is that i died as 2nd hand smoker. Period.

Before i side track again, i was mentioning about new year, and i was trying to say, how time flies. So much has happened in this 365 days. In fact, if you will to go think about it, we only had like 244 days? Cos 1/3 of the time we were sleeping like pigs. Yet within this short period of time, tonnes has happened, both for myself and of course friends around me. But stupid right? Things have to happen, cos the world keeps rotating, so why am i like whining about it?

Sad to say, many things will never be the same again. Often when i'm thinking and perhaps expecting others to be like this or like that, my friends will tell me, cos we are made different, to each his own. True, and of course, it's easy to judge others than to judge yourself. So never mind, shall not be too bothered with it.

Guess i'll end here.

Hope every single one of you out there, will have a much much better year in the coming 2006. If you have any resolutions, work hard towards it, if not, just live the way you wanted to. The simple bottomline i'll advise you guys is;
Do whatever you like, just not do anything which will hurt others, emotionally or physically, intentionally or unintentionally.

Happy 2006! May all the angels be by your side, demons far away.
Till then.

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