Last of 2005
31122005. This shall be the last post for the year. Haven't been posting much lately, so i'm here to do a post and basically to wrap up the year.
Has been pretty much the same lately, going to Air Force School everyday, slacking all day round. Tried sharing some of my tales i heard or experienced back at Air Force School, but somehow i think not many were interested, cos perhaps it's rather boring? But like what me and my course mates have agreed upon, and that is, unless you're us, whatever we say or do, no one will understand. So i think it's best i'll not mention much here. If you're interested, feel free to ask me more about it personally.
I've been told when is my flying off date to Tamworth for our Air-Grading Course(AGC). But i'll keep this date myself. Call it pilot's pride or whatsoever, i think i'm more towards afraid of failing? Thus i didn't really want many to wish me luck or know about it, until i managed to get it over with, and of course with a pass. But for those who knew about it, perhaps the only rational is that, you're someone special?
But of course, i'm not really that crazy to the extend that i have the mentally of: Pilot or Nothing. Our course commander was telling us on our day 1, that alot of the pilot trainees who came here have this thinking. And seriously, i must say, those who are already pilots, not pilot trainees, they do have the 2nd is nothing attitude.
I managed to download and just watched the movie: Behind Enemy Lines. What else right? It's a war movie. Somehow i'm all into this recently. So, if you guys have any nice war movies, preferably pilot or airplanes, kindly drop me the title of it. Anyway, the movie i was mentioning has a plot based on a navy pilot navigator, whose F-18 plane was shot down, pilot killed, after they managed to capture picture of enemy's doing. Stuck in enemy zone, he has to get to the safe zone before rescue can be deployed. Quite an emotional movie, but perhaps not so much for the ladies. Watch it if you guys have the chance.
Saw the advertisement about Oasis live in Singapore few days back on TV mobile. Too bad, it's on the 23rd February. Most probably i'll not able to watch it. But there's a good chance that i might be able to do so. Cos if anyone didn't managed to meet the mark and got cut from the Air Grading Course, he will be send back to Singapore immediately, with the rest continuing the course. Speaking about being cut off, i was telling my course 02/06 AGC, the good positive thing we could look forward, even if anyone of us got cut off, is that the person will be able to come back perhaps in time for the concert and maybe better, even in time to celebrate Valentine's Day. Of course, all of us would rather missed out on this 2 events and pass the AGC.
With no offence, our course were discussing about the fact that pilot vocation doesn't have any muslims. In fact, i realised that Air Force School doesn't even cater any muslim food. So to say, you can never find a malay in Air Force? Perhaps so. Even if he is, most probably he's non-muslim. So why did i touch on this issue? Cos 90% of my course mate were saying that i look like malay, and i'm given the names like "Ahmad", "Mud", "Muhammad Bin...". In return, i'll just take the "compliment" and try to bring glory to the malays. So most of the time, i'll often turn to them and say, "Tah Halal?", whenever we are having our lunch and such.
Today's New year eve, so i bet most of you guys should be outside, either chilling out with friends, love ones, waiting for countdown or go LAN gaming? Sound too old for LAN gaming? But that's what my course mates did. That's how crappy pilot trainees can be.
And before i forget, with no offence again, they are the first group of friends who are asking me to smoke. 5 smokers and 1 social smoker, out of 15 in my course. Mind you, with the tonnes of free time we have, the 5 smokers can be puffing close to 10 sticks from 0730hrs to 1700hrs. This is totally impossible if you're in Army or Navy. In fact they were telling me, most of the already qualified pilots smoke. To handle stress? No idea. Shall leave that for your own discretion. But of course for Jeri to smoke? That's not me anymore. If i was ever diagnosed dead due to smoking, the only way it has to be, is that i died as 2nd hand smoker. Period.
Before i side track again, i was mentioning about new year, and i was trying to say, how time flies. So much has happened in this 365 days. In fact, if you will to go think about it, we only had like 244 days? Cos 1/3 of the time we were sleeping like pigs. Yet within this short period of time, tonnes has happened, both for myself and of course friends around me. But stupid right? Things have to happen, cos the world keeps rotating, so why am i like whining about it?
Sad to say, many things will never be the same again. Often when i'm thinking and perhaps expecting others to be like this or like that, my friends will tell me, cos we are made different, to each his own. True, and of course, it's easy to judge others than to judge yourself. So never mind, shall not be too bothered with it.
Guess i'll end here.
Hope every single one of you out there, will have a much much better year in the coming 2006. If you have any resolutions, work hard towards it, if not, just live the way you wanted to. The simple bottomline i'll advise you guys is;
Do whatever you like, just not do anything which will hurt others, emotionally or physically, intentionally or unintentionally.
Happy 2006! May all the angels be by your side, demons far away.
Till then.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Depressing Love
Click image for larger view
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
Please forgive the manner of my leaving.
My love and need for all of you remain.
I could not long such suffering sustain,
Nor would it long have held you from your grieving.
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
I hope that choice will not my memory stain,
Nor lead you to be wroth at my deceiving.
My love and need for all of you remain.
For only in you do I live again,
Woven like a wind into your weaving.
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
I put to you the plea of the self-slain:
To comprehend an anguish past conceiving.
My love and need for all of you remain
That all that I have been not be in vain,
But blend into the earth of your believing.
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
My love and need for all of you remain.
Click image for larger view
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
Please forgive the manner of my leaving.
My love and need for all of you remain.
I could not long such suffering sustain,
Nor would it long have held you from your grieving.
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
I hope that choice will not my memory stain,
Nor lead you to be wroth at my deceiving.
My love and need for all of you remain.
For only in you do I live again,
Woven like a wind into your weaving.
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
I put to you the plea of the self-slain:
To comprehend an anguish past conceiving.
My love and need for all of you remain
That all that I have been not be in vain,
But blend into the earth of your believing.
Though I chose death instead of pointless pain,
My love and need for all of you remain.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Simple note
Been some time since i posted something on my blog. The irony of this is that i'm suppose to have more time now, but i guess i'm just too lazy. Alright, so what has happened for the whole of my last week?
Since Monday, the day i reported to Air Force School, i'm basically labelled as "slacker". The reason is simple. For that the whole of the week, what i have to do is, be there by 0730hrs, do role-call(accounting of strength), attend briefings on Tuesday and Thurdays, slack from 0830hrs till 0930hrs and go for teabreak, wait for 1150hrs and go for lunch, start doing some sports like tennis, soccer and jogging from 1400hrs till around 1700hrs and by 1730hrs, we will be at the bus stop waiting to go back home.
Discipline wise, because of the fact that now we are Officer Cadets(OCT), carrying the 2nd worse rank in SAF(fyi, recruit is the lowest form of life in SAF); the single white stripe on our shoulders, we have to make sure we greet all the high ranking personnel(Sergeants and above). And that we were told that, pilot trainees often get complains for rudeness and such, primarily due to the fact that we are the most slack Officer Cadets, and we became the jealousy of many others.
Other than that, we are allowed to do whatever we want, go wherever we are permited to, simply at our own convenience. Applying the 8th core value in SAF - Do and don't get caught.
So why in the whole world we get to do all these and not doing anything that's constructive, at least to justify the pay we get and the money of the taxpayers which goes down to the training and planes we will be having?
Well, right now, my course including me has 13 cadets waiting for our shot at the 02/06 Air-Grading Course(AGC) over at Tamworth(Australia), which starts early Feb. Before we go over, there will be another last round of medical checkup and IPPT. And of course to get our deeds sign by our sureties.
As for what are the benefits we will get to enjoy, what we will be doing over there, what are the hazards we might face, i think i'll not mention them here, in case i go over the line and spill out what considered classified unintentionally. So, if you're interested to know more, probably you have to come to me personally.
Just an overview, after 5-6 weeks of air-grading, we will be going to Officer Cadet School(OCS) for 9 weeks. After which, we will be coming back to Air Force School, for few weeks of ground school, and then proceed to Basic Wing Course(BWC). This will take around 9 months. After which i think that's when the commissioning parade will be done, whereby we will get the Gold Bar on our shoulders; rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Lastly back to Air Force School, and then lastly Advance Wing Course(AWC), that's when those who make it till here, will be split to Fighter Wing Course(FWC), Rotary Wing Course(RWC) and Transport Wing Course(TWC). Basically be train as fighter, helicopters or transport pilots.
All and all, this will take around 3 years including the waiting time in between before the start of the next course. And of course, it often starts out with a course size of 20 and after going through AGC, 50% gone, after BWC, 10-20% more gone, after AWC, another 5-10% gone, by then, you will be left with a handful of 3-5 trainees. The cut-off rate is so high, the "chopping board" never will be in silent mode.
"It's a rewarding challenging job." This is how one of the instructors, with 29 years of flying experience put forward to us during the Friday safety briefing. In fact, the safety brief we had last Friday was the one which probably made some of us think again if being pilot is what we really wanted. 3 real-life case studies of the Air Force pilot trainees were being discussed. These 3 cases were recent cases and 1 of the case study trainee was in the classroom during the brief. I'll skip the story here, but he almost died during his AWC training.
It was his own mistake for his near fatal death, but it's only fair to say that he wouldn't have want to do it on purpose and for that, the mistake caused him to be switched to RWC from his original FWC. For your information, he cheated death with only 5 seconds left to go.
So at the end of the briefing, my course, all the 13 young flyer wannabes, were discussing about the fact why most of the time, pilots were introduced together with the number of flying hours they clocked. So we came out with a conclusion that it simply means that they have survived that particular number of hours in air and managed to come down safely, in one piece.
Another thing we discussed was the glory, the prestige, the wealth, versus the death, the danger and the time we need to sacrifice. We are basically at the extremes. Now you know why Air Force slogan is "Above All"? High pay, high death, high stress, high up, high everything.
Alright, i guess i'll stop here about all the talks of being a pilot. Period.
Today is the day of sharing and being happy. So, i suppose we should be happy? But anyway, it's not good for me at all. Don't want to be a spoil-sport, so i better not make it sound emo yet again. Hope you guys have fun.
Merry Christmas to those reading this blog. May Santa be with you always.
Been some time since i posted something on my blog. The irony of this is that i'm suppose to have more time now, but i guess i'm just too lazy. Alright, so what has happened for the whole of my last week?
Since Monday, the day i reported to Air Force School, i'm basically labelled as "slacker". The reason is simple. For that the whole of the week, what i have to do is, be there by 0730hrs, do role-call(accounting of strength), attend briefings on Tuesday and Thurdays, slack from 0830hrs till 0930hrs and go for teabreak, wait for 1150hrs and go for lunch, start doing some sports like tennis, soccer and jogging from 1400hrs till around 1700hrs and by 1730hrs, we will be at the bus stop waiting to go back home.
Discipline wise, because of the fact that now we are Officer Cadets(OCT), carrying the 2nd worse rank in SAF(fyi, recruit is the lowest form of life in SAF); the single white stripe on our shoulders, we have to make sure we greet all the high ranking personnel(Sergeants and above). And that we were told that, pilot trainees often get complains for rudeness and such, primarily due to the fact that we are the most slack Officer Cadets, and we became the jealousy of many others.
Other than that, we are allowed to do whatever we want, go wherever we are permited to, simply at our own convenience. Applying the 8th core value in SAF - Do and don't get caught.
So why in the whole world we get to do all these and not doing anything that's constructive, at least to justify the pay we get and the money of the taxpayers which goes down to the training and planes we will be having?
Well, right now, my course including me has 13 cadets waiting for our shot at the 02/06 Air-Grading Course(AGC) over at Tamworth(Australia), which starts early Feb. Before we go over, there will be another last round of medical checkup and IPPT. And of course to get our deeds sign by our sureties.
As for what are the benefits we will get to enjoy, what we will be doing over there, what are the hazards we might face, i think i'll not mention them here, in case i go over the line and spill out what considered classified unintentionally. So, if you're interested to know more, probably you have to come to me personally.
Just an overview, after 5-6 weeks of air-grading, we will be going to Officer Cadet School(OCS) for 9 weeks. After which, we will be coming back to Air Force School, for few weeks of ground school, and then proceed to Basic Wing Course(BWC). This will take around 9 months. After which i think that's when the commissioning parade will be done, whereby we will get the Gold Bar on our shoulders; rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Lastly back to Air Force School, and then lastly Advance Wing Course(AWC), that's when those who make it till here, will be split to Fighter Wing Course(FWC), Rotary Wing Course(RWC) and Transport Wing Course(TWC). Basically be train as fighter, helicopters or transport pilots.
All and all, this will take around 3 years including the waiting time in between before the start of the next course. And of course, it often starts out with a course size of 20 and after going through AGC, 50% gone, after BWC, 10-20% more gone, after AWC, another 5-10% gone, by then, you will be left with a handful of 3-5 trainees. The cut-off rate is so high, the "chopping board" never will be in silent mode.
"It's a rewarding challenging job." This is how one of the instructors, with 29 years of flying experience put forward to us during the Friday safety briefing. In fact, the safety brief we had last Friday was the one which probably made some of us think again if being pilot is what we really wanted. 3 real-life case studies of the Air Force pilot trainees were being discussed. These 3 cases were recent cases and 1 of the case study trainee was in the classroom during the brief. I'll skip the story here, but he almost died during his AWC training.
It was his own mistake for his near fatal death, but it's only fair to say that he wouldn't have want to do it on purpose and for that, the mistake caused him to be switched to RWC from his original FWC. For your information, he cheated death with only 5 seconds left to go.
So at the end of the briefing, my course, all the 13 young flyer wannabes, were discussing about the fact why most of the time, pilots were introduced together with the number of flying hours they clocked. So we came out with a conclusion that it simply means that they have survived that particular number of hours in air and managed to come down safely, in one piece.
Another thing we discussed was the glory, the prestige, the wealth, versus the death, the danger and the time we need to sacrifice. We are basically at the extremes. Now you know why Air Force slogan is "Above All"? High pay, high death, high stress, high up, high everything.
Alright, i guess i'll stop here about all the talks of being a pilot. Period.
Today is the day of sharing and being happy. So, i suppose we should be happy? But anyway, it's not good for me at all. Don't want to be a spoil-sport, so i better not make it sound emo yet again. Hope you guys have fun.
Merry Christmas to those reading this blog. May Santa be with you always.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
New posting, new start
Finally we got what we have been eagerly waiting for; the posting of our new unit. My posting is as below. I'm lazy to type, so i'll just copy down what's written down in my e-posting order.
Comd SAF BMTC congratulates you for your successful completion of the BMT.
Your Posting Order is listed below:
1. You are posted to AFS.
2. Your vocation is PILOT.
3. Your are to report to: Air Force School, Multi-Purpo.
Reporting Date/Time: 19/12/2005 at 0745 hrs.
Person to report to: Snr Instr
Contact Number: 64618583/84
You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.
4. Special Instruction: Please bring along 4 passport size color photos, a set of PT Kit, photocopies of highest educational certificate, result transcript and own writing materials ONLY on the first day of reporting. FBO is NOT required. No Camera Handphone is allowed in AFS.
Alright, this is supposely what i'm looking for; being confirmed as pilot trainee, so i reckon i should be happy about it? Looking at the instructions given for me, i'm just wondering if i'll be a slacker real soon. I don't even have to bring much stuff for my first day of reporting, and i reckon i might be going home on the first day, whereas those going OCS or some other units might have to serve compulsory confinements for weeks.
Somehow i'm feeling kinda empty about this vocation. Probably i will be all by myself when i'm over at the Air Force School. The feeling of starting all over again, in terms of making new friends, adapting new environment and of course not to mention the stress, could be just the few things i've to watch out for.
That's all i have. Getting lazy to blog these days. But just hang around my blog, once i start my pilot training, probably i'll do a daily blogging about my vocation. For now, take care my friends. Merry X'mas in advance and all the best for those going other units or command school.
Tough time don't last, tough man do.
Till then.
Finally we got what we have been eagerly waiting for; the posting of our new unit. My posting is as below. I'm lazy to type, so i'll just copy down what's written down in my e-posting order.
Comd SAF BMTC congratulates you for your successful completion of the BMT.
Your Posting Order is listed below:
1. You are posted to AFS.
2. Your vocation is PILOT.
3. Your are to report to: Air Force School, Multi-Purpo.
Reporting Date/Time: 19/12/2005 at 0745 hrs.
Person to report to: Snr Instr
Contact Number: 64618583/84
You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.
4. Special Instruction: Please bring along 4 passport size color photos, a set of PT Kit, photocopies of highest educational certificate, result transcript and own writing materials ONLY on the first day of reporting. FBO is NOT required. No Camera Handphone is allowed in AFS.
Alright, this is supposely what i'm looking for; being confirmed as pilot trainee, so i reckon i should be happy about it? Looking at the instructions given for me, i'm just wondering if i'll be a slacker real soon. I don't even have to bring much stuff for my first day of reporting, and i reckon i might be going home on the first day, whereas those going OCS or some other units might have to serve compulsory confinements for weeks.
Somehow i'm feeling kinda empty about this vocation. Probably i will be all by myself when i'm over at the Air Force School. The feeling of starting all over again, in terms of making new friends, adapting new environment and of course not to mention the stress, could be just the few things i've to watch out for.
That's all i have. Getting lazy to blog these days. But just hang around my blog, once i start my pilot training, probably i'll do a daily blogging about my vocation. For now, take care my friends. Merry X'mas in advance and all the best for those going other units or command school.
Tough time don't last, tough man do.
Till then.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Simple Note
Been almost a week since my Passing Out Parade(POP) last Tuesday, and just in case some of you guys are wondering how come i'm hardly online these days, well, i'm simply sick. Shouldn't have made it sound so simple, cause i was down for days. Iterally from Thursday till Sunday, i was having bad stomach flu.
The only thing that i could remember from this, was that i was bed-ridden for the first 3 days, eating only mouthful of porridge, only to be vomitted out. Worst experience i ever had been sick, and trust me, though i'm feeling better now, the thought of vomitting everytime i took medicine, and water is all i have to vomit, i hope this shall be the last time stomach flu ever come visiting me.
So much of thinking what should i do for the 13 days or so break, i ended up doing nothing. To extend my apologies to those who called or sms me during these days, i'm sorry that i wasn't able to reply or pick up your call. Probably some of you might thought i was playing punk, or like what my friend Sam said, only picking up girls' calls, so i guess i have to explain that i was so weak, i didn't check my mobile from last Thursday to Saturday. It went flat without me knowing too. Just hope you guys understand.
Minus off the long sickness i had, probably the rest of the week is overall a good one. First thing was none other than the POP i had last Tuesday. Couple of things to mention on my POP day. Before our parade, 4 guys and and me was called up to our Platoon Office by our Platoon Commander(PC). Not to issue any punishments, we were simply told that we are shortlisted for OCS.
The moment i was told i'm in the list, the first thought in my mind wasn't really about the glory, honour, pride or whatsoever. I was thinking back, about 3 months ago, the day i stepped on Tekong, the day i exchanged my pink IC for the 11B, and those days of trainings and outfield we had. Probably the only thing that i felt i was among the ranks of OCS shortlist, was that i'm Jack of all trades, yet master of none.
Just doing my best in whatever i was told and tasked to, was probably the only thing i had in mind whenever i woke up at 0430hrs to start the day off. Life in BMT wasn't a complete smooth sailing one, no doubt i had my fair share of punishments. But i guess, that's when you learnt and become better.
Towards the end of the parade, whereby our parents put on our jockey caps for us to symbolise the well-deserved hardwork we put in during the 3 months, my PC came to me and shook my hand. He said to me, "Well done, and congrats making to OCS." I thanked him and deep down, i know i meant it.
The second and probably the most eagerly anticipated news i have, was none other than the pilot vocation, which i have been talking for months. I received a house call on Friday afternoon, the day whereby i'm still pretty much sick. The call was to inform me that, i've managed to clear all my status and have been confirmed as pilot trainee. The final confirmation will be on my vocation posting day, 16th Dec, whereby my posting should reflect Air Force School.
So now, i'm left with the last concern; my 2 sureties. I need to submit the form with the 2 names as soon as possible and it's the passport to the start of my course. Without it, i won't be able to go for my 2 months Air-grading over at Australia. Criteria for surety: 21 years old, with minimum monthly income of $800. Anyone willing to help?
Putting aside all the big talks of becoming pilot, the prestige, the pay, the prospects, and as always, i like to think about the negative side of it. List of the downside: 12 years contract committment, the danger in air, the possibilities of failing the course and having to push back pursuing of degree.
But guess what? I'm not going to think so much again. Since i'm given the opportunity, i might as well just go for it. In case you guys wasn't aware, right from the start, i didn't sign up for pilot as my career. After i got home after my first book-out back in 21st September, i saw this Air Force letter which invites me to take the computer test. That's when everything starts to come in pieces. Perhaps i should take this as an offer given to me and that if i do fail to make any criteria, at any point of time, i could just give myself a pat and say, "You tried your best."
Come to think again, either way, call me a pilot-dropout or pilot, at least i went throught it. The rest ain't important anymore.
Just yesterday, i told a friend of mine to cheer up. Even my friend was taken back. Fancy me asking someone to cheer up? It's like striking Lottery without buying a ticket, the odds is zero. Perhaps all those vomittings in the past few days, did in fact managed to throw out some of my stubborn thoughts. Well, i guess i'm too tired to be always too critical of things now. But word of caution, if you think the old me is gone, think again.
Just when i saw many nicks in my msn with the phrase, all i want for christmas is you, then i realised x'mas is just 13 days away. Last year's x'mas was the only one i had, with exchanging of presents, but i reckon this year's wouldn't be of that scale. But nonetheless, i'll still make a x'mas wish. And that's things will go my way. Sounds vague and greedy ain't it? But that's the point. X'mas is to have fun and be greedy, but for those gals out there, watch your waistline.
For now, i'm yearning for good food and cold gassy drinks. Any takers?
Been almost a week since my Passing Out Parade(POP) last Tuesday, and just in case some of you guys are wondering how come i'm hardly online these days, well, i'm simply sick. Shouldn't have made it sound so simple, cause i was down for days. Iterally from Thursday till Sunday, i was having bad stomach flu.
The only thing that i could remember from this, was that i was bed-ridden for the first 3 days, eating only mouthful of porridge, only to be vomitted out. Worst experience i ever had been sick, and trust me, though i'm feeling better now, the thought of vomitting everytime i took medicine, and water is all i have to vomit, i hope this shall be the last time stomach flu ever come visiting me.
So much of thinking what should i do for the 13 days or so break, i ended up doing nothing. To extend my apologies to those who called or sms me during these days, i'm sorry that i wasn't able to reply or pick up your call. Probably some of you might thought i was playing punk, or like what my friend Sam said, only picking up girls' calls, so i guess i have to explain that i was so weak, i didn't check my mobile from last Thursday to Saturday. It went flat without me knowing too. Just hope you guys understand.
Minus off the long sickness i had, probably the rest of the week is overall a good one. First thing was none other than the POP i had last Tuesday. Couple of things to mention on my POP day. Before our parade, 4 guys and and me was called up to our Platoon Office by our Platoon Commander(PC). Not to issue any punishments, we were simply told that we are shortlisted for OCS.
The moment i was told i'm in the list, the first thought in my mind wasn't really about the glory, honour, pride or whatsoever. I was thinking back, about 3 months ago, the day i stepped on Tekong, the day i exchanged my pink IC for the 11B, and those days of trainings and outfield we had. Probably the only thing that i felt i was among the ranks of OCS shortlist, was that i'm Jack of all trades, yet master of none.
Just doing my best in whatever i was told and tasked to, was probably the only thing i had in mind whenever i woke up at 0430hrs to start the day off. Life in BMT wasn't a complete smooth sailing one, no doubt i had my fair share of punishments. But i guess, that's when you learnt and become better.
Towards the end of the parade, whereby our parents put on our jockey caps for us to symbolise the well-deserved hardwork we put in during the 3 months, my PC came to me and shook my hand. He said to me, "Well done, and congrats making to OCS." I thanked him and deep down, i know i meant it.
The second and probably the most eagerly anticipated news i have, was none other than the pilot vocation, which i have been talking for months. I received a house call on Friday afternoon, the day whereby i'm still pretty much sick. The call was to inform me that, i've managed to clear all my status and have been confirmed as pilot trainee. The final confirmation will be on my vocation posting day, 16th Dec, whereby my posting should reflect Air Force School.
So now, i'm left with the last concern; my 2 sureties. I need to submit the form with the 2 names as soon as possible and it's the passport to the start of my course. Without it, i won't be able to go for my 2 months Air-grading over at Australia. Criteria for surety: 21 years old, with minimum monthly income of $800. Anyone willing to help?
Putting aside all the big talks of becoming pilot, the prestige, the pay, the prospects, and as always, i like to think about the negative side of it. List of the downside: 12 years contract committment, the danger in air, the possibilities of failing the course and having to push back pursuing of degree.
But guess what? I'm not going to think so much again. Since i'm given the opportunity, i might as well just go for it. In case you guys wasn't aware, right from the start, i didn't sign up for pilot as my career. After i got home after my first book-out back in 21st September, i saw this Air Force letter which invites me to take the computer test. That's when everything starts to come in pieces. Perhaps i should take this as an offer given to me and that if i do fail to make any criteria, at any point of time, i could just give myself a pat and say, "You tried your best."
Come to think again, either way, call me a pilot-dropout or pilot, at least i went throught it. The rest ain't important anymore.
Just yesterday, i told a friend of mine to cheer up. Even my friend was taken back. Fancy me asking someone to cheer up? It's like striking Lottery without buying a ticket, the odds is zero. Perhaps all those vomittings in the past few days, did in fact managed to throw out some of my stubborn thoughts. Well, i guess i'm too tired to be always too critical of things now. But word of caution, if you think the old me is gone, think again.
Just when i saw many nicks in my msn with the phrase, all i want for christmas is you, then i realised x'mas is just 13 days away. Last year's x'mas was the only one i had, with exchanging of presents, but i reckon this year's wouldn't be of that scale. But nonetheless, i'll still make a x'mas wish. And that's things will go my way. Sounds vague and greedy ain't it? But that's the point. X'mas is to have fun and be greedy, but for those gals out there, watch your waistline.
For now, i'm yearning for good food and cold gassy drinks. Any takers?
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I'm better off my own - 2
So, what should be in this post? The whole of last week was rather.. I should say ups and downs. Let's start with all the down parts.
First and foremost, i started the week with an ear infection on my right ear. Was having slight ache the week before, but i didn't really bother about it, as always. So, on the Tuesday morning, i woke up with one ear deaf. Shocked and scared was probably the easiest words i could think of now to describe my initial feeling.
Something that i could count myself lucky was that, i had my pilot medical review over at the Aeromedical Center to be done that morning, so i took the book out opportunity to consult doctor at the Tampines SingHealth.
Reason being that anyone guy out there who been through army, would definitely nod in silence, that visiting army Medical Center is simply waste of time, especially in Tekong. Cause you will be spending 2-3 hours waiting, less than 10 second of consultation by those impatient Medical Officers (i haven't been to the Medical Center before, but all those who did, can vouch that all the doctor say to you is simply: "Fever? Ok, go outside take your presciption." I doubt it's more than 10 seconds.) , and lastly medications which are nevertheless useless.
For the benefit of those who asked me about how's my pilot vocation going on, and those who had the misunderstanding that i'm already a pilot trainee, i shall do a quick update of my pilot vocation status.
As mentioned above, i was called for a review on my HB. HB is the abbreviation for Hemoglobin. Taken from dictionary: Hemoglobin - The red respiratory protein of red blood cells that transports oxygen as oxyhemoglobin from the lungs to the tissues, where the oxygen is readily released and the oxyhemoglobin becomes hemoglobin.
Don't worry, mine wasn't at the abnormal level, in fact i was told my HB is perfectly fine, but it's just that they have strict critera for pilots, and all that i know, i have to hit 13.5 for HB level. Thus the review was to have a full screen on my blood to find out if i do have any genetic blood disorder, and if necessary, i will have to take supplement to increase my HB level.
So, i'm basically still stuck at the last stage of confirmation, waiting for my medical clearance. Simply so near yet so far.
The most crappy incident happened on last Tuesday too. Another platoon mate and i booked out for our medical review and for convenience sake, we took the short route towards the jetty to be ferry back to mainland. On our way, we saw our SSM(School Sergeant Major) walking towards our direction. Human instinct to just shoo pass "danger", we tried to just looked down, acted as if we were looking at our appointment letters, trying to walked passed him as quickly as possible.
But there was no chance in hell, after just bypassing him, he called for us and reprimanded us for not greeting him. He "knocked" us down 10 push ups on the spot, and we were lashed out for not showing basic courtesy. But just when we thought that's all, after we got back to our company, we realised that he called and complained to our CSM(Company Sergeant Major), and that's when we realised how loser he was.
And for that, we two were given 1 extra duty to be done, and it's none other that a regimental guard duty on the 15th of Dec, whereby everyone will be having their block leave, yet we have to come back to Tekong again. And trust me, not that he's someone who deserves respect, for which we should greet him, he's someone who doesn't deserve any at all. His commands sound like crap and he's physically weak even though he has a big body build. Simply stupid to the core.
That's about all the downs for the week, now's the ups.
Last Monday, we had our Standard Obstacle Course(SOC) test, and i'm happy that i managed to clear all the 11 obstacles and did the 1.3km run at 10:31s. Wasn't an impressive timing, but i managed to get a "A" pass, by clearing all obstacles and do it under 11 minutes.
Lastly, before our book out yesterday, our Sir told us the top 3 ranking in our platoon of 48. 1st was none other that our Company Best PT (Best IPPT result) who is from my section, 2nd was a guy from another section in my platoon, 3rd was me. Prior to annoucing the platoon ranking result, one of my Section Commanders told me that i managed to score 87% for my SIT Test, and this probably placed me high up in the ranks. I only managed to secure a Silver for my IPPT, yet my platoon has 7 gold IPPT personnel, so i'm flattered and honoured to be among the top 3.
In 2 days time, it will be my Passing Out Parade(POP), which means i have completed my 13 weeks of training over at Tekong. Thinking back, it seems just like yesterday. Still remembering the day i got shaved 'botak', sleeping with 12 other guys in the same bunk, and now, we are passing out together, friendships and botherhood created.
I've learnt alot during this period of time. Wouldn't want to emo yet again, but i just want to thank all those who were there, good or bad. A big thank you to you.
This girl asked me, why do you want to always think so much, why do you always 'haiz' so much. Of cause, i'm not able to give any valid good reasons, all that i could say to you guys was, "If i'm someone who don't think anymore, don't haiz anymore, will you still believe i'm the one you're talking to?".
I still remembered i used to be quiet back in the school days. All that i did was to observe, listen and be by myself. If you will to ask me, that's probably the period of time i'm happy. But, how can one be happy by himself right? I have no idea too.
Perhaps i should be more self-centered, be more selfish, be less caring, and simply be less emo. Well, unless you're someone who knows me just today, you wouldn't believe i will do all that. Year 2006 is just around the corner, perhaps i should come out with some new year resolutions. Anyone with any good suggestions for me to change?
I'll be having slightly more than a week of rest following my POP on Tuesday, so i guess it's a good time to take a break and do something i like. Probably i'll extend my bike model collection by spending some time looking for a nice model and get it fixed, and it shall be the landmark to indicate the end of my BMT.
Might also call up friends for catch-up sessions, and that's provided they are willing to do so. Also try asking 'someone' out, which is impossible. Get myself a hard disk, download more movies to keep me occupy. If all else fails, gaming and sleep.
Last note, if i can't smile anymore, who will smile back. Simply no one.
So, what should be in this post? The whole of last week was rather.. I should say ups and downs. Let's start with all the down parts.
First and foremost, i started the week with an ear infection on my right ear. Was having slight ache the week before, but i didn't really bother about it, as always. So, on the Tuesday morning, i woke up with one ear deaf. Shocked and scared was probably the easiest words i could think of now to describe my initial feeling.
Something that i could count myself lucky was that, i had my pilot medical review over at the Aeromedical Center to be done that morning, so i took the book out opportunity to consult doctor at the Tampines SingHealth.
Reason being that anyone guy out there who been through army, would definitely nod in silence, that visiting army Medical Center is simply waste of time, especially in Tekong. Cause you will be spending 2-3 hours waiting, less than 10 second of consultation by those impatient Medical Officers (i haven't been to the Medical Center before, but all those who did, can vouch that all the doctor say to you is simply: "Fever? Ok, go outside take your presciption." I doubt it's more than 10 seconds.) , and lastly medications which are nevertheless useless.
For the benefit of those who asked me about how's my pilot vocation going on, and those who had the misunderstanding that i'm already a pilot trainee, i shall do a quick update of my pilot vocation status.
As mentioned above, i was called for a review on my HB. HB is the abbreviation for Hemoglobin. Taken from dictionary: Hemoglobin - The red respiratory protein of red blood cells that transports oxygen as oxyhemoglobin from the lungs to the tissues, where the oxygen is readily released and the oxyhemoglobin becomes hemoglobin.
Don't worry, mine wasn't at the abnormal level, in fact i was told my HB is perfectly fine, but it's just that they have strict critera for pilots, and all that i know, i have to hit 13.5 for HB level. Thus the review was to have a full screen on my blood to find out if i do have any genetic blood disorder, and if necessary, i will have to take supplement to increase my HB level.
So, i'm basically still stuck at the last stage of confirmation, waiting for my medical clearance. Simply so near yet so far.
The most crappy incident happened on last Tuesday too. Another platoon mate and i booked out for our medical review and for convenience sake, we took the short route towards the jetty to be ferry back to mainland. On our way, we saw our SSM(School Sergeant Major) walking towards our direction. Human instinct to just shoo pass "danger", we tried to just looked down, acted as if we were looking at our appointment letters, trying to walked passed him as quickly as possible.
But there was no chance in hell, after just bypassing him, he called for us and reprimanded us for not greeting him. He "knocked" us down 10 push ups on the spot, and we were lashed out for not showing basic courtesy. But just when we thought that's all, after we got back to our company, we realised that he called and complained to our CSM(Company Sergeant Major), and that's when we realised how loser he was.
And for that, we two were given 1 extra duty to be done, and it's none other that a regimental guard duty on the 15th of Dec, whereby everyone will be having their block leave, yet we have to come back to Tekong again. And trust me, not that he's someone who deserves respect, for which we should greet him, he's someone who doesn't deserve any at all. His commands sound like crap and he's physically weak even though he has a big body build. Simply stupid to the core.
That's about all the downs for the week, now's the ups.
Last Monday, we had our Standard Obstacle Course(SOC) test, and i'm happy that i managed to clear all the 11 obstacles and did the 1.3km run at 10:31s. Wasn't an impressive timing, but i managed to get a "A" pass, by clearing all obstacles and do it under 11 minutes.
Lastly, before our book out yesterday, our Sir told us the top 3 ranking in our platoon of 48. 1st was none other that our Company Best PT (Best IPPT result) who is from my section, 2nd was a guy from another section in my platoon, 3rd was me. Prior to annoucing the platoon ranking result, one of my Section Commanders told me that i managed to score 87% for my SIT Test, and this probably placed me high up in the ranks. I only managed to secure a Silver for my IPPT, yet my platoon has 7 gold IPPT personnel, so i'm flattered and honoured to be among the top 3.
In 2 days time, it will be my Passing Out Parade(POP), which means i have completed my 13 weeks of training over at Tekong. Thinking back, it seems just like yesterday. Still remembering the day i got shaved 'botak', sleeping with 12 other guys in the same bunk, and now, we are passing out together, friendships and botherhood created.
I've learnt alot during this period of time. Wouldn't want to emo yet again, but i just want to thank all those who were there, good or bad. A big thank you to you.
This girl asked me, why do you want to always think so much, why do you always 'haiz' so much. Of cause, i'm not able to give any valid good reasons, all that i could say to you guys was, "If i'm someone who don't think anymore, don't haiz anymore, will you still believe i'm the one you're talking to?".
I still remembered i used to be quiet back in the school days. All that i did was to observe, listen and be by myself. If you will to ask me, that's probably the period of time i'm happy. But, how can one be happy by himself right? I have no idea too.
Perhaps i should be more self-centered, be more selfish, be less caring, and simply be less emo. Well, unless you're someone who knows me just today, you wouldn't believe i will do all that. Year 2006 is just around the corner, perhaps i should come out with some new year resolutions. Anyone with any good suggestions for me to change?
I'll be having slightly more than a week of rest following my POP on Tuesday, so i guess it's a good time to take a break and do something i like. Probably i'll extend my bike model collection by spending some time looking for a nice model and get it fixed, and it shall be the landmark to indicate the end of my BMT.
Might also call up friends for catch-up sessions, and that's provided they are willing to do so. Also try asking 'someone' out, which is impossible. Get myself a hard disk, download more movies to keep me occupy. If all else fails, gaming and sleep.
Last note, if i can't smile anymore, who will smile back. Simply no one.
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