Saturday, July 09, 2005

Just a story 2 - For the last time, take a good hard look.

Just like any regular banquets, there is always an ending to it. The smile never last long for the chicken. The duck didn't manage to find out what's the problem that caused the chicken to be pretty upset. Even when they finally met up again, all that the chicken said was, "I'm seriously ok."

Days passed.

The excited and happy feelings were slowly losing their spot. The chicken and the duck are slowly decreasing their hang outs to play too. Even if they do meet up at times, the topic would be on the new huge playground built by the farmer. The swings, the slides were among the few to be discussed.

The chicken will be exploring the new playground everyday, looking for her favorite section. Thus the topic for the duck to bring up to the chicken will have to be nothing but the new playground. They would just share their opinions on how's they feel towards each section of the playground.

On days when they didn't catch up with each other, probably they were having fun at a certain section of the playground. The new playground literally took their attention off the old games of police and thief and earthworm digging.

The big scale of the new playground is enough to keep one occupied for some very long time. The chicken was also getting busy with her personal work and stuff.

Slowly, the duck realized that he is not really that needed by the chicken anymore. On days when he feels that the chicken is down, he can't do much to help her too. Even though the duck is now a chicken, he is still unable to fully understand the chicken's thoughts and feelings. He started thinking if its time for him to leave for good.

One day, the chicken broke her leg again while she's playing with the slide in the playground. She has a history of fragile legs, and it's probably the 5th time she has broke her leg.

The duck saw her in bandages and a sad face hang around her. The chicken was upset that she couldn't go out during the day anymore. All she can do was to sit and rest for most of the day. Waking up everyday, hoping the injury is completely healed.

Seeing that the chicken is having a tough time coping with the boredom because of the in-house confinement caused by the injury, the duckie tried to cheer her up. Realizing that the chicken was very keen into the worms found high up in the tree trunk, he decided to get one for her.

So the duck went to search for the tree with the worms and made careful planning of methods to capture a worm for the chicken. After the plan was done, the duck decides to start his plan the next day. But when he got up the next day, he was down with fever. Nevertheless, he went on with his plans and managed to get a worm for the chicken.

The chicken was without doubt happy and surprised that the duck managed to capture the worm just for her. She thanked him and was reasonably touched for what he did.

After weeks of rehabilitation, it got back to the same. The only common topic among them was still the new playground. Slowly as the time passed, they have covered most of the discussions about all the sections of the playground.

The inevitable has to come someday. The duck know that nothing in this world is forever. And only by starting to let go things you know you will lose someday, it probably won't hurt you as much. But he just doesn't want to lose the chicken as a good friend.

As the days passed, the farm is slowly getting more and more crowded with new chickens. The chicken made new friends and started hanging out more with them. The hang out with the duck was almost cut down to zero.

To keep himself occupied, the duck volunteered himself to be part of the group to help the farmer to build a bigger trench for the ever increasing flock of chickens coming into the farm.

Whenever the duck is free from his work, he would just stay at the area where they used to play earthworm digging. But most of the time, he was not able to meet up with the chicken. He would just leave a mark on the ground hoping the chicken might just notice it.

The farm soon got really too big to be handle by the farmer alone. He decides to send some of the chickens to his friend's farm. So he did some random picks and the duck was one of those selected to be send over.

In a month's time, those hand-picked by the farmer will be deliver to the other farm. The banquet is drawing to an end soon.

The chemistry between the chicken and duck was slowly dying off. At times when they do pass by each other, it's just a simple, "Hi" or just a gentle smile.

The duck met a wise chicken while he's working out on the new trench, and he learnt something about being, "Too much".

It's not difficult to see that in this world, too much of everything is no good. May it be too much sugar, too much salt, too much work, too much play, they will probably be doing more harm to one.

Learning this fact, the duck decides to be less persistent over things in life. At the end of the day, what he wanted was just to see the smile hanging round the chicken's face. There are stuffs he would probably never be able to let the chicken know about it. And looking back at the thing he has done, he is just trying to be someone.

Just the day before the chickens was send to the other farm, the farmer told them, "For the last time, take a good hard look."

The duck stood far away looking at the chicken while she's playing at the playground. The beautiful smile was still there. Everything seems fine and well, but the only difference the duck could see, was that the duck wasn't the one there beside her smile.

Ending what he has started off, and that's just to see the beautiful smile on her face, he left the farm without biding goodbye, and left a note to the chicken...

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