Saturday, March 13, 2004

The fundamentals of love.

Think back to the day when you first laid eyes on her.

You found yourself charmed by the way she talks,
the way she dresses herself to show off her
best features and the way she embraces life
with her laughter.

It seemed as if a mysterious "chemistry effect" has
suddenly developed to draw you closer to her.

You two then began to meet regularly, and you
discover more things that you admire about her.

Her clever ideas, her healthy values and the way
she stands up for you when others doubt you.

You find yourself thinking of her not just as a normal friend,
but a very good friend.

It is often during this period that a boy and a gal will start
thinking of bringing their friendship to another level.

After all, the kind of wonderful experience you have
between each other can only become even better
if it develops into a romantic relationship.

In other words, the feeling is really unique -
no one else seems able to replace her in your heart.

So both of you agree to go steady and work even harder on the

You "graduate" to become a couple, and are theenvy of the sea of

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