Friday, November 15, 2013

MINDEF banned singing Purple Light


"Purple Light", a marching song sung by many NSmen, which included the lines:

"Booking out, see my girlfriend
Saw her with another man 
Kill the man, rape my girlfriend
With my rifle and my buddy and me."

Can't help but decided to post this after reading it. Though it's just another move by the institution on something insignificant to the well-being of the nation, i just feel angst for the halt of the song.

Maybe it does sound rude and un-gentleman, but man, a song is a song. You can't ban a culture which went through generations of NSFs.

There are tonnes of other more detrimental issues in the institution, which calls for more review and actions and not this which is really a show of bad faith with the guys who put their body and soul into the National Service.

I'm not against National Service, and i understand some of the measures they do to keep the national security intact, but this? Come-on, give NSFs a break.

IPPT for NSMen are causing more deaths then singing a song like this. Where is the review and ban for that?

Only in Singapore.


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