Wednesday, December 05, 2007
1. Who eats more?
I think lately you eat more.
2. Who said “I love you” first?
3. Who is the morning person?
You. I'm too pig to wake up early.
4. Who sings better?
Definitely you. I can't sing for nuts.
5. Who’s older?
Me. Old man.
6. Who’s smarter?
Me got IQ, you got EQ.
7. Whose temper is worse?
You? But lately mine is bad.
8. Who does the laundry?
You gotwashing machine, i got mummy.
9. Who does the dishes?
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I'm left, so you're right.
11. Whose feet are bigger?
US 11. How to win mine.
12. Whose hair is longer?
13. Who’s better with the computer?
I'm computing student. What you think?
14. Do you have pets?
15. Who pays the bills?
16. Who cooks dinner?
Ha. Your mummy.
17. Who drives when you are together?
Either your brother or your daddy.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
19. Who’s the most stubborn?
Ha. you.
20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
Me i guess.
21. Whose family do you see more?
22. Who named your pet?
No pets eh.
23. Who kissed who first?
Me. Guys ma.
24. Who asked who out?
Haha. Me. Mute date.
25. Who’s more sensitive?
I'm the most insensitive pig.
27. Who’s taller?
I'm 20cm taller.
28. Who has more friends?
Not me.
29. Who has more siblings?
Same 3. I'm the youngest though.
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Think more of you! Haha
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I have just finished watching 10 parts of a clip regarding a dying professor's last lecture, and i decided to post this up to share with you guys. Saw this piece of Yahoo news when i open up my Internet Explorer this evening when i got home. Spent 90 minutes watching this clip after doing a search in Youtube, though it was rather draggy in the initial few parts. But nonetheless, do try to finish it if you can afford to do so.
Reason why i decided to publish this was rather simple. Randy Pausch is a professor of Computer Science; related to my studies, and most importantly, i share most thoughts he have. I didn't really jot down all this life principles during his last lecture for the university he taught in, thus i'm going to leave it for you guys to finish watching it.
When he finished his lecture, more like a speech, he earned a 2:04s of applause from the 500+ audience. Not so much about this feat itself, but what he believed in and what he shared with the audience, which is more significant.
Of cause, i'm not going to be so thick-skinned to quote him and take them as my own views, but i do agree and hope to be able to achieve what he has done. And the most respectable part, he did it with humour. Fun was his primarily nature, as he mentioned during the lecture, making the "last lecture" fun is like a fish telling the world how nice it is to be in the water. It is his second nature.
I guess that's a feat to achieve. Doing what you do best, doing what you like, and doing it with the best fun you can ever had.
Relating to my current university undergrad status, i'm often questioning what i really want or hope to achieve. A friend of mine was asking me during yesterday lecture, "What you hope to achieve during this 3-4 years, other than academic results?". Seriously, i don't think i have any.
Almost everyone is result oriented in university, and i just can't help think, is this what we really have to go through, in order to enjoy a better life? I guess no one can really answer that.
My Economics lecturer was sharing with us during today's lecture that, in the next 2-3 years, which happened to be the time we graduated, the world economy is bound to set into recession. One of the key points he mentioned was the bloom of recent stock market. And going by last 15 years, the trend is set to be 4 year bloom, 2 years of recession.
So with this information, what are you going to do? Freak out? Plan for the future? Well, if you ask me, i guess even after reading this, you would just ignore and move on. I just wonder how many will actually finished the 90+ minutes clip in the first place.
Remember, we choose what our lives turn out to be. And i always believe, just like Prof. Randy Pausch, having everything we wanted is never as great as being the enabler to people's dream.
Till then.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Decided to post this after watching this clip in Youtube. 2 weeks ago, i ended my 2 years service to the country. If you watched the clip above, i'm sure some of you might feel the same; what's so interesting about army life. But seriously, you need to ask around any male peers who has gone through it, and i'm pretty sure they all have their fair share of fond memories and hardships.
For my case, i'm one of the few lucky ones to have been to Air Force and Army. Both have of cause taught me alot, not just as a person, but also as someone who feels the need to appreciate things and love ones more. On the monetary side, i'm also the lucky few to have brought home slightly more than 21k from NS allowance. But yeah, i'm penniless now. I have my fair share of living expenses unlike some peers i know during my army days, who managed to save up every cent fromt the allowance. Reason? They are still taking home allowances. Life is never fair, as always.
Few occasions during my 2 years National Service, were unforgetable. Like how we we told to hand over our NRIC the moment we landed on Puala Tekong and was moving our way up to a holding area, to the day i passed out from my Basic Military Training with my parents gracing the occassion and putting on my jockey cap, the day i left to Australia; Tamworth for 3 weeks of Airgrading, my dad visiting me after 3 weeks of confinement in Officer Cadet School, my family gracing my Commissioning Parade, and lastly collecting back my NRIC with my men addressing me by my name.
I'm fortunate to be selected and trained as an officer of the Singapore Armed Forces. Just last week, out of fun, Eugene and i tried to recite our Officers' Creed. Not bad, i managed to recite it with some stumbles. Just to share with you guys the creed:

Most importantly, the 9 months of cadet training gave me alot of fond memories. That was also the period of time i spend almost 12 out of 52 weekends for training; overseas and mandatory confinements. Forget the 100+km of road marches, the 10+ times of IPPT tests, the 1000+ pushups done, and the joy upon receiving my officer rank, the most important thing if you ask me, was the time i spent achieving all these with my fellow peers and the nice homecook meals after i got back from camp.
Last note, as i reflected my 22 years of life, i think i can only question myself what have i done for others.
Till then.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Once again, it's been donkey years since i last blogged. After reading my army upper-study's blog, i decided to add this post. Had this emo feeling after reading his last post, that his close pal in poly ended his own life just a week back. Even though i'm not that close with my upper-study, not to mention that i don't know his friend, but the post for a moment makes me paused and think about my friends.
I'm sure you guys reading this right now, has no qualms about me being someone who doesn't really treasure or value friendship alot. I used to tell my friends; friends are just tools to make use of, like it or not. Not that i'm betrayed by friends to have this negative view, nor that i'm often being made use to feel the need to reciprocate their actions.
Putting my partner aside, since my younger days, i have not much close friends whom i will relate my heart to. More than often i tend to hear more, than to say more. And lately, i'm into the extreme case of: "even if you tell me, i'll just listen and not say much." Probably due to the fact that i've seen or heard too much, it just gets "uninteresting" when friends share their problems with me. Yeah, if you read this, i sincerely apologised for being a bad friend, if you take me as one, and that i'm also trying to make my life better.
I'm not too sure how i would react if someone, whom i've known and have quite close days in the past, passed away. Maybe i shall state clearly my foreword now, since i'm not really sure that i'll be sad for you, don't be when it's my turn. Just remember i did crossed your path and left some footprints, somewhere in your life, and that's all that matters.
Just some quick updates; i'll be having my mid-term break starting this weekend for a week and i'm getting fatter. Let's talk about the latter first. I saw Crystal's blog regarding HIIT. Basically it's just like what i've learnt during my army days, popularly known as 30-60. I seriously need to get myself on this workout real soon to cut my fats. I need to feel my washboard abs again. And please, do pray for me that every Sat will be sunny. At least just between 10am to 2pm, with bright sunlight and clear skies. I'm badly in need of a good tan.
Going to my studies, i seriously have thoughts about quitting school. Now i can fully understand why my friend chose to opt out of Honours and leave after 2 years. Everyone is so competitive, and i just hate to be in this environment. Even my friend, Eugene seems to be so result-oriented. Not that i'm against that, but i just feel that, if the most optimal end-state is what everyone desires, who will actually bothers about the process? Sounds nobel-ly insane, but yeah, i think i learnt more when i don't hate the lecturer/tutor for a particular module and i don't have result-oriented peers around.
There will be numerous tests and assignments due after the short mid-term break. I guess i will be mugging my days off when the break starts. If you're reading this, do say your prayers or whatsoever to help me see through this semester in a piece. Else not, thanks for reading, and have a nice day.
Till then.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
My husband is a scientist by professional. I love him for his steady-being nature, and i love the warm feeling while leaning against his broad shoulders.
Three years into courtship and now, two years into marriage, I have to admit, I am getting tired of it. The reasons of me loving him before has now transform into the cause of all the restlessness. I am a sentimental woman and extremely sentitive and exquisite when it comes to relationship and feelings. I yearn for romantic moments, just like a little boy yearning for candy. But my husband is the contrast of me. His lack of sensitivity, and of all, inability to bring in romantic moments into our marriage has dishearten me about love. One day, i decided to tell him about my decision, that i want a divorce.
" Why?" He asked, shocked.
"I am tired, and there aren't always reasons for everything in the world." I answered.
He kept silent and seemed to be in deep thoughts the entire night, with cigarette lighted at all times. My disappointment is getting intense. A man who can't even express his detainment, what else can i expect from him?
Finally, he asked "what can i do to change your mind?"
Somebody said it's hard to change a person's personality and i guess it's right. I have started to lose faith in him. Looking deep into his eyes, i asked,"Here's a question, If you have the right answer that's in my heart, i will change my mind.
"Let's say, i love a flower that's at the mountain cliff, and we both know that making you pick the flower will cost you your life, will you do it for me?"
"I will give you your answer tomorrow..." he replied. My heart sank.
The next morning, he was not around when i woke up. I saw a piece of paper with his writing underneath a glass of warm milk.
It goes....
"Dear, i would not pick that flower for you. But please allow me to explain further."
The first sentence has already broke my heart. I continue reading.
"You have to work on the computer but always mess up the programs and cries in front of the PC, i have to save my fingers to restore the programs for you.
You always leave the house keys behind, i have to save my legs to rush home to open the doors for you.
You love travelling but always lose your ways in a new city, i have to save my eyes to lead you the way.
You always have the cramp when your "good friend" approaches each month, i have to save my palm so that i can reflief your cramps in your tummy.
You tend to stare too long at the computer, and that does your eyes no good. I have to save my eyes so that when we grow old, i can help you clip your nails and remove those annoying white hairs for you. I will hold your hand and stroll down the beach, enjoy the sunshine together and tell you the colours of the flowers, just like glow on your young face.
Thus my dear, because i am sure that there will be someone else who loves you more than i do .... i would not pick the flower for you.... and die...."
By now, my tears has blurred the ink of his hand-writing. I continue to read.
And now dear, you've finished reading my answer, if these are the answers you are seeking, please open the door, i'm standing there with your favourite bread and warm milk...."
I rushed to open the door, and there he is looking so anxious, gripping the milk and bread in his hands.
I was sure that noone love me more than him and i've decided to leave the flower alone......"
Love can be so simple. But being human, we have a knack of wanting more, thus overlooking the such simple bliss that surrounds us.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
So after 4 days of lectures, there are some thoughts i gathered. First and foremost, the travelling. Due to the fact that i wasn't born with a silver spoon, i chose not to stay in hall, despite many graduate friends encouraging it, primarily to enjoy uni days and to interact more. But on the hindsight of it, i didn't wish to stay in hall not so much due to the cost, but more on the fact that i didn't want to get myself involved into hall activities. Applying to what i've learnt during this morning boring-est Economics lecture, the Opportunity Cost here is of cause the value of missing out fun and interactions with students across faculties.
Thus as a result of my choice, i have to make do with 3hrs of travelling time each day. And somehow so far i think it's starting to weigh a toll on me with headaches and dizziness. I don't even bother taking out my DS most of the time throughout the journey, simply trying not to aggravate the dizzy spells.
So i guess i have to accustom my body and mind to this for another 3 years down the road. Unless i managed to strike lottery somewhere down the road and get myself a car. Then again, i'll have driving woes during peak hours. Life's full of irony.
Moving on, after attending most of the module lectures, i'm glad most of the modules i took for this semester are somewhat appealing and interesting to a certain extend. Top on the list would be the General Education Module, Introduction to Nanoworld and Nanotechnology.
The lecturer was the key to this interesting module. Universities should use him as benchmarks in hiring lecturers, instead of looking at their stupid Masters or P.H.Ds. MOE should send 99.99999% of the lecturers to NIE to brush up on either their pronunciation and presentation/lecturing skills. Though i must state clearly that, the above mentioned is based on personal opinions, has no intention to influence or condemned any subject, and shall be kept within this virtual post.
Just to share a little about the introduction lecture, we were proposed the question of "What color is Gold?". Well, knowing that his question ain't going to be the simple 1+1=2 kind of answer, i made a wild guess of Red in my heart, with 3 choices of gold, red or green. True enough, my lucky charm worked and i got the right answer. And so he showed us a small bottle of Red solution and explained that if you cut gold to 30nm (NM=Nanometer=10 the power of -9), gold becomes Red. And for all elements, if you cut them into different sizes, the color changes.
A quick explanation on this is that the light reflected into our eyes is different due to the fact that the atoms moves differently with the limited amount of space in the element in Nano size.
Also, as proven with current technology, it's possible to write a single letter in 1nm, and as such, given a pin-head, you can fill up 25,000,000 pages (Standard A4 size) of information on it. Sounds impossible and you might question why is there a need to do so even if it's achievable. Just food for thought, if a pin-head can fill up so many pages, imagine what a 1cm x 1cm harddisk can stored up to?
Therefore in conclusion, Nanotechnology is the next big thing in the world of physics? We don't have to look far, just take a look at your iPod Nano, it's the classic example of where technology is progressing into. Smaller, better, cheaper.
Another module worth mentioning is my Common Essential module, Computing and Society. Basically talks about everything related to computing. Lecturer wasn't that fantastic, but the subject itself is worth exploring. Maybe its only just me, but i only learnt about some facts after viewing a clip during the lecture.
WWW or World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. In 1994, evolves and it sets the standard for online sales based on the model of automated personalized recommendations. Google started in 1998, and it became the fastest and the most effective search engine.
2002, Friendster evolves and Google launches Google News and journalism organisations cried foul. Google News is edited entirely by computers. In 2003, Google bought Blogger.
During 2004, Google unveiled Gmail with 1GB storage for each user. Microsoft launches Newsbot, a social news portal. Google also bought Picasa, a tool for organising images. Amazon releases A9, a search engine that builds on Google search technology and at the same time incorporating amazon's trademark recommendations. August 2004, Google goes public and bought over Keyhole, a company that maps the world and puts it online. Google begins digitizing and indexing the world's libraries. 2005, Microsoft bought Friendster.
I managed to find the clip, and i'll leave it to you guys to view it. It goes on to talk about what the future might be.
Going back to the module, it requires us to create a blog and post about InfoComm Technology. No exams for this module, and i guess it can be quite interesting to learn more about the computer world.
Alright, that's all for now. It's getting late. Hope the classes get more interesting as it goes, and maybe i'll share some of the contents over here. Shall update again.
Till then.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
[*Post edited after removal of photos and text which poses potential violations of internet blogging due to sensitive information or defamation.]
Alright, after almost 8 weeks of zero post, i'm finally back. I'm not sure how long this post will end up to be, nor how meaning it shall be, i'm just going to try to make this as long as possible. And to assist me in doing up this particular post, i'll just break down into sub-headings and go from there.
1. Army
For the past 2 weeks or so, i've been "AWOL-ing" from my duty. Before you guys go into the idea of thinking how i managed to do so, or even contemplating to complain about my absence just like a famous case some time back (Article 1, Article 2), i shall state clearly that i got official Off from my immediate superior, my OC, due to the fact that i had to settle my University preparations and registration. Just digressing a little, if you guys are interested to know more about the 2 articles, do approach me. Afterall the subject was formerly my coursemate during my Pro term as a cadet in Signal Institute.
Coming back to army, i'm 3 weeks shy from my Operationally Ready Date (07 Sept '07). How time flies. Everything seems like yesterday, from the day i packed my bag and head to Puala Tekong, the trip to *Country A for a month for my Airgrading, the gruesome 9 months of Officer Cadet School training, and now coming to an end of the 9 months tour as a Platoon Commander.
Dozens of friendship made, plentiful of things learnt, wonderful memories, not forgetting the 3 countries i visited: *Country A (4 weeks), Country B (2 weeks) & Country T(3 weeks).
My BMT section during outfield. My BMT section - POP day.
My BMT Platoon Commander, 2LT Wayne.

My AGC 02/06 coursemates.

Course at dispersal.

OCT Delun, 1 of the 8 who made it. Currently in Pearce for Basic Wing Course, all the best.
63/06 Tango Wing.
Tango Platoon 1, Section 1.
Service Term - Social Night.
63/06 SOCC Platoon 1. Nah, 2LT Li is in Platoon 2.
Oversea training. 1st Runner up for 72km during oversea training.
New friend from oversea training.
Commander OCS.
Once again, we met.
Back to the familiar faces after our own Pro Term.
Our Appointment Certificate Presentation Ceremony. The day we got our swords.
Start of Officership.
Sums up the 38 weeks of training.
9th Dec '06 - Commissioning Parade.
Commissioned by President.
There we go, Officers of the SAF.
He came for his son.
2. Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo DS Lite. And so i got myself a set. Just a quick review on it. First and foremost, i'm sure the first question to pop out would be, "Is it better than PSP?" Well, i don't own a set of Sony PSP, thus the few comments i can give based on the couple of times that i have interacted with a PSP, are that PSP is definitely better in graphics, yet loses out on gameplay, interactions and the sleek design of a Nintendo DS Lite.
DS Lite has far more interactive games, and of course to the likes of Pokemon fans, it has few of it. And many argued that DS is for gals and kids, mainly for that fact the games are simple and cute. No doubt, playing Winning Eleven on a DS is a killer, but you have to give credits for games like Nintendogs, Cooking Mama, Mario Kart, Brothers In Arm, etc. They ride on simple gameplay yet interactive, fun, and never boring.
Battery life wasn't that bad with 5hours of continous play, and adjustable screen brightness to increase battery life. Comes with WiFi enabled, which allows web browsing and of course multiplayer gaming. Thumbs up for Mario Kart if you're planning for some fun with your DS buddies.
The best part i felt was that there's no need to modify the set just to play download games. Simply purchase an additional passcard, popular ones like M3 or R4 and with a micro-SD, you can stored up to 45+ games in a 2GB SD card. You can also view video or listen to mp3 with it, but the screen size and resolutions have no fight against PSP.
Lastly, it's also definitely cheaper in cost as compared to a Sony PSP. Head down to Sim Lim Square, and you would probably get the console around $220-$240, R4 with 2GB micro-SD around $70. Top it up with screen protector and a casing, you'll be having endless gaming hours for $300+/-. Of course, i don't work for Nintendo, the choice is still yours if you're contemplating between Sony PSP and Nintendo DS lite. Last advice, make your friends around you get one too, that's where the fun actually comes from.
3. *University
As i'm about to start my school term this coming Monday, i finally ended my modules bidding yesterday. I'm sure you guys have heard bits and pieces about the bidding system in *NXX. Well, after personally experiencing it myself, all that i have to say, can be sumed up with a 4 letter word: L-A-M-E. I've no idea how long that bidding system has been in placed, nor that i'm interested to hear why it's a good system by the school, the only thing i could comprehend out of it was that its just a system to benefit the school, with no intention of making *NXX a better schooling environment.
Just a quick comment on how it works:
For a start, i'm given 650 points for Programme Account and 350 points for General Account as a School of Computing(SoC) student. And to my understanding, each faculty has their own allocation, meaning some faculty students may get 600/400 instead. And basically this 2 categories of points allows you to use them based on the type of modules you plan to bid.
With that you start your bids. The information given for each module you plan to bid are, vacancies, number of bidders, highest bid, lowest bid, next min. bid. Based on these, you're able to see the demands and also what's the best bid to get a seat.
That's all? What's so difficult? That's where you're wrong. *NXX instills more fun into the bidding.
There are rounds during the bidding period, and at each round, certain types of modules are available for bidding. During each round, there's another period of open bidding and closed bidding. Closed bidding usually last 4-2 hours just before that particular round ends. And that is when you only get information of vacancies and numbers of bidders. Throughout the whole period of a round, you can drop/add modules, increase/decrease your bid.
Isn't it fun? Yeah right. It's stupid.
Without having going through much modules, i start to see modules with bids over 1500 pts and number of bidders exceeding the vacancies. And so you start to ponder and stupidly you realised not just year 1 students are fighting for the modules, that of course explains the 1500+++ points available to be used by the seniors.
Well, even so, they will used up all their points after few 1500 points modules bid right? Wrong. Why? Cause the points used for the bids will be refunded down to the lowest winning bid. Say for an example, 100 bidders for a 50 vacancies module. The highest bid is 1500pts, the 50th student who got the place bidded 500pts. As such, all the 50 students get refund of their points regardless of their bid and is only deducted 500points.
So what? So.. the student who bidded 1500pts get back his 1000pts, and what? Of course throw them all into another module, and he will once again definitely get the module he wanted.
And now, i bet it wouldn't take you long to understand that year 1 & 2 students will definitely not get the popular modules. Well, if that's the case its still not so bad, i just have to make do with less popular modules. But wrong, wrong again. Some modules are neccessary to clear and you have no choice but to take it. So what? I have to wait till i'm year 3 or 4 to take it? Cause that's when i finally managed to store up to 1500++ points to bully the freshmen.
Ain't it stupid?
For my case, as a poly student, i'm exempted from certain modules. Calculating my programme requirement, i needed 160 Module Credits(MC) to graduate. That's about 40 modules with 4MC each. I've got 9 modules exemption, thus left with 31. Any primary 3 student would be able to tell me if each semester i take 5 modules, with 1 semester 6, i'm able to graduate in 3 years time for my 4-year honours programme.
Now, with this bidding system, if any point of time during my semesters, i screwed it up due to modules being overbidded, i'm going to waste another semester just to clear modules to graduate.
Oh yeah, i'm already an adult, so i should be responsible for my education and should dutifully ensure i do not get myself stuck in a situation whereby i need to get Dean's approval to study 6-7 modules so as not spill over to another semester just for 1-2 modules? It's crap. Paying $6,000 every year just to get myself shoot in the arse for not being a dilligent student. Am i here to study or to get myself busy counting the number of MCs i'm lagging behind?
Education institutes are supposed to provide educational service to the country, and not try to be creative, making big statements like this allows us to have total freedom to plan how and what we want to study. I don't know, maybe there are some students who want to only take 2-3 modules and take like 5-6 years to graduate?
Just a month ago, we are told to go to a website to check our Qualifying English Test(QET) results online. No one could access that page. Why? Cause that page requires a login to their intranet, thus to view it you need to install a VPN client before gaining access. And for some reasons, that took the web master 1 day or so to get it stated clearly in the website and make a mess out of it.
And guess what? You have to spend 5 minutes to access the page that shows just your result and legend of what the grades meant. Tell me it's a result of how smart technology has brings us to. I see no big deal to release the result in a single page open to all, which requires no login.
Yeah, i may have complained too much, but if you ask me, my title for this section basically summarized how *NXX functions. And my friend was telling me how students from *NXX quit to join *NXX. Now you know why?
4. Thoughts
Before i wrap this post up, just some random thoughts. I was browsing through my sister's blog earlier this morning, and i'm full of envy. Looking at her travelling around the world from one continent to another and eating from restuarants to restuarants. How i wish i get to this in the near future. As for now, i have 3 years to go before i start my working career, and hopefully from there enjoy my life as i go along. Looking back at the last 22 years, i just hope in the next 22 years to come, i continue to bring joy to many. Good or bad.
Till then.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
It's been real long since my last post. Haven't got much writing juices in my brain, and the only 500 words i did was this morning for my QET in NUS. Been rather busy with preparation for my uni, i'm still lost with what to do, where to get things sorted. Thinking about what major to go into as well. I guess that's all for now, will be updating again soon.
In case you guys are curious about the title, i just felt that devils are always lurking around us. Just like how Murphy strikes upon us. That's all folks.
Till then.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Additional of 4 more movies. Fantastic 4 was pretty good, kinda shame that the plot was too short. Surf's Up is a thumbs up, kinda reminds me how fun skating is. Hot fuzz wasn't that bad, and Death Proof is the lamest of all, and trust me, if you really need to, download it and watch it whille you're listening to some MP3 or news.
Till then.

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Finally ended the exercise of the year, also the exercise for me before i head back to good old school days. Nothing much happened during the week, just the usual strict demands and lectures from my OC. So as the exercise ended, which is joy for many, but sad to say for me, it marks the start of reports writing for weeks to come. Blunt and unprofessional as i may sound, i would have seriously walk off if i'm not carrying the bar black and collecting the $960 allowance. Everyday i question my responsibilities as an officer, for which the respect and recognition i receive can never justify it.
Since blogging became so common, every details in each post have to be carefully scanned through for any possible disclosure of restricted information. Cases of NSF personnel being charged for posting training photos and comments have been on the rise. So as i go about trying to pen down how i felt about my work and the organisation, i have to think through thrice. Whether my remarks do defame or leak any form of information.
And for this, i guess i'll probably not go anywhere deep and dangerous. In short, ask me personally, and you shall know.
As i yawned my time away typing this, i realised i haven't been blogging often enough to keep my writing juices with me. The length of this post should speaks volume about it.
Till then.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
So i got a new request for this post. There's quite some thoughts in my mind lately. Not entirely related to regrets, just the usual food of thoughts i always had in the past. But, i just don't have the writing juice in my brain for now. I guess when i do a real post in time to come, it would be a longer one. That's about all i have now, since i haven't start anything about regrets, maybe you guys reading this can just tag on this thread and start putting down your regrets in life. Like it or not, regrets are inevitable. Choosing not to tag me after reading this can be a regret too. Depends on what would happen in the future, say this gonna be my last post, or this is the last time you ever see this. Since no one can predict, watch the space after this for an answer. Till then.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Once again, it's been some time since my last post. Nothing in particular to post here, just making use of this medium, and hopefully it does, to reach out to my peers out there. Hope you guys are doing well and fine. Lastly, i'm searching high and low for this converse shoe: All-Star eyelet. I was told only Heeren and Bugic boutiques are selling this limited edition. And to my disappointment, the color i wanted, Natural, is long sold out. So if anyone out there managed to find it somewhere, somehow, i'll be more than happy to thank you for informing me. Else, i hope everyone have a fun week ahead.
Till then.